Saturday, July 11, 2009


This pricing is per person. And include Skin touchup, weight removal, and hair touchup. In one package. As with all my listing final copy is email in jpg format that can be then printed from the comfort of your home or at the stores.
Price: 10.00
From: MyMagicMe

1-Why did you choose to sell on Etsy/ and do you sell anywhere else?

My reason for starting a shop on etsy was to provide myself with a second income, I was in a point in my life where I was struggling to make ends meet. Etsy gave me the opportunity to sell my photo manipulations and really create a presence for myself on the internet. I currently have a shop on artfire ( ) and 1000markets (

2- What is your fave thing to buy on Etsy (whether it be supplies or gifts etc.)

I am a HUGE makeup lover. I love, adore and cant get enough makeup!

3-What is your current fave product and seller(not in your store) under 20$?

My Favorite product and Seller would have to be The Well and Spindle.
And they are all my favorite items, I just love the magic behind each of her folk inspired products!

4- Any advice for new sellers?

Yes actually, alot of new sellers are easy discouraged when they dont get a sale as soon as they open. Things take time and you must remember that there are hundreds of other sites you are up against for the same amount of attention. New seller should think about what sets them apart from others, and expose yourself to the public as much as possible. This means become a common person in the forums and join as many network groups as you are willing to dedicate your time to. Join twitter, facebook, plurk and other networking sites will NOT help if you do not use them on a regular basis. Also remembering to put in the hours! I work from 9am til 2am with some breaks in between. Think about being a child in a HUGE arena of adults screaming on the top of your lungs... scream loud enough, long enough and people will begin to notice you are there.

5-And a favorite quote?

"You gotta be in it to win it." If you are engrossed in work and hustling 150% of your time, you will go places. Put in the hours, and I promise they will pay off.

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