Thursday, February 4, 2010

Store name!

Ok guys so you know I am closing my shop but will reopen another. But the trouble I am having is a name. I created my shop from my buyer account so was stuck with my original user name. I want a hip, clever, and fun name. I will be selling mainly altered, handmade, and upcycled accessories and jewelry. SO any help or suggestions would be appreciated =)


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

So how about...

I've decided to concentrate on the same interviews I have been doing. And supplement with awesome tutorials, featuring random cool budget friendly items, and general nonsense. How does that grab you? So if you know of an awesome tutorial or anything cool, email me

I promise to stop neglecting you guys. =)

Make me an offer!

Hey guys! Sorry the absence! My main laptop broke which sucks!!

Anyway I've decided to shut down and retool my shop. I am having a huge closing sale and wanted you guys to have the inside scoop. So check it out and feel free to make me an offer/trade request. I am highly motivated :)

- Posted using Christmas spirit and Telekenesis.
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